The Resume!
Maybe You Are:
A New Student just starting your program;
An Existing Student who has completed 50% of your program;
A Recent Graduate preparing to start your job search; or
An NC Alumnae who is looking to make a job change.
Eventually, every one of you will need to prepare a RESUME in anticipation of launching a job search. We have assembled some resources to help, and we will continue to add to this page as we identify better and more useful resources.
Resumes that Impress - No Matter Your Background - Click Here to Read More
THE COVER LETTER - Here’s what recruiters think about your cover letter
By Glassdoor Team
Stay on top of your career with the latest from Glassdoor's blog.
Look here for inspiring stories, job-seeking tips, and more.​
13 Must-Have Words to Include In Your Resume
Include these words in your resume to bring your job application to the top of the pile and help you be seen by recruiters!
5 podcasts to listen to for career advice
We’ve compiled a list of the best “Hardly Working” Fishbowl podcasts of the year (on Spotify) about companies, careers, and work life.
48 companies actively hiring this month
Looking for a new job? Companies are looking for you, too! Check out these roles, and take a step closer to finding a job you love.
To Build Your First Resume or Revise an Old One
Gather the Facts. A resume is a 1-2 page summary of YOU and your QUALIFICATIONS in detail. Before you begin, it is highly suggested that you take some time to pull together all the facts that will be required in order to make your resume as detailed and informative as possible. Once all this information is gathered, it will be much easier to input it into the document, without having to stop and search for years of employment, locations of past jobs, etc. So start by gathering the following:
List of All Employers you have worked for in the last 10 years or more, in addition to:
Job Titles
Dates of Employment (Month/Year you started & Month/Year you ended)
Duties/Skills – What you were required to do and the skills you developed
Accomplishments – Any awards you received, promotions, etc.
Immediate Supervisors & Contact Information (for use with applications, not the resume)
List of All Higher Education Institutions you have attended, in addition to:
Years Attended
Years of Graduation
Degrees/Certifications Achieved
Assemble Your Resume.
Although you can put together your resume starting with a blank page on your computer/tablet, it is always easier if you have some sort of template to follow. Three suggestions for help include 1)Microsoft WORD’s Resume Tools; 2)Free Online Resume Assistance, and 3)Templates.
If you have access to Microsoft WORD, there are Resume Tools built into the program that you can take advantage of. To access this resource:
Open WORD.
Click on “FILE” at the top, far left.
Scroll down to “NEW” and you will see a search box for online templates.
Type in “RESUMES” and sample resume templates will come up.
Click on the Template of your choice. It will open as a “new document”.
Start filling in the Resume Template with your information!
SAVE the Resume on your computer, or on a flash drive for later use.
You might want to have someone you trust to review your draft resume before finalizing it. They can provide you with suggestions for changes as well as catch any typos or misspellings you may have overlooked.
Another option as you build your resume is to seek free resume services online. There are several free online resume-builder sites that do a very good job of walking you through the basics, step by step, as well as providing you with sample phrases or suggested skills to outline. These sites have a variety of templates embedded into them so you can make it as professional or personalized as you choose. But keep in mind…while the building of the resume may be “free”, these services may require you to register, and may then hound you to “subscribe” to their services, which are sometimes required in order to get access to the resume they just helped you build. Here are two services that provide some sample templates to view: